понеділок, 10 жовтня 2011 р.

National symbols of Wales


The Flag of Wales incorporates the red dragon (Y Ddraig Goch) of Prince Cadwalader along with the Tudor colours of green and white. It was used by Henry VII at the battle of Bosworth in 1485 after which it was carried in state to St. Paul's Cathedral. The red dragon was then included in the Tudor royal arms to signify their Welsh descent. It was officially recognised as the Welsh national flag in 1959. The British Union Flag incorporates the flags of Scotland, Ireland and England but does not have any Welsh representation. Technically, however, it is represented by the flag of England due to the Laws in Wales act of 1535 which annexed Wales following the 13th century conquest.

The flag of the Princely House of Aberffrawblazoned Quarterly or and gules, four lions passant guardant two and two counterchanged langued and armed Azure.The flag was first associated with Llywelyn the Great, who received the fealty of all other Welsh lords at the Council of Aberdyfi in 1216, becoming de jure Prince of Wales, according to historian Dr. John Davies. From the 11th century onwards, the Aberffraw family claimed primacy as princes of Wales as the senior descendantsof Rhodri the Great, and included Owain Gwynedd, who was known as princeps Wallensium (Prince of the Welsh), and Llywelyn ap Gruffudd.

The flag of Owain GlyndŵrPrince of Wales, which combined the flags of Powys and Deheubarth, blazoned Quarterly or and gules, four lions rampant two and two counterchanged. The red lion on a yellow field represented Powys, and the yellow lion on a red field represented Deheubarth. Owain was the senior heir of both Powys and Deheubarth. The flag harkened back to the Aberffraw flag, linking Owain's rule with the Aberffraw princes of Wales in an effort to legitimize his rule. It is currently in use by the National Eisteddfod of WalesCymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg and widely amongst pro-independence groups.

The Flag of Saint David is sometimes used as an alternative to the national flag (and used in part of Crusaders' crest), and is flown on St David's Day.

Other symbols

The leek is also a national emblem of Wales. According to legend, Saint David ordered his Welsh soldiers to identify themselves by wearing the vegetable on their helmets in an ancient battle against the Saxons that took place in a leek field. It is still worn on St David's Day each 1 March

The daffodil is the national flower of Wales, and is worn on St David's Day each 1 March. (In Welsh, the daffodil is known as "Peter's Leek", cenhinen Bedr.)
The red kite is sometimes named as the national symbol of wildlife in Wales.
The Sessile Oak, also called the Welsh Oak is the national tree of Wales.
Dame Wales, as a National personification, as depicted by Joseph Morewood Staniforth symbolising the maternal voice of the Welsh 'mam'


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